Educational Programs for
Family Business Leadership Teams

Family businesses are failing at alarming rates, with less than 40% making it to the second generation.


Academy of Family Business (AFB) was created to change this alarming rate by preparing the next generation of leaders with a comprehensive program that targets the specific challenges leadership teams face while working within family-owned businesses.

Why We Do It

Family businesses are the foundation of strong communities as they generate 64% of the nation’s GDP, employ over half of the U.S. workforce, and create 75% of the new jobs, yet more than 60% of family-owned business will not survive to the second generation, and less than 15% to the third generation.

AFB is committed to reversing this trend by creating opportunities for Family Business Professionals and their teams to develop leadership skills, so they can confidently grow the business, make an impact, and be prepared to lead well into the future.

Educational Programs for Family Business Leadership Teams

  • Leadership Series.

    Our Leadership Series for Family Business Leadership Teams is a transformational, human-focused leadership program, offered in both face-to-face and virtual formats (or a combination of both) tailored to the challenges faced and skills needed when working within a family-owned business.

  • Mentoring.

    One-on-one mentoring is recommended to any Family Business Professional looking for support and guidance. Mentorship provides each individual with a boost in knowledge and confidence leading to the ability to execute at a higher level.

  • Coaching.

    One-on-one coaching is recommended to maximize the potential of Family Business Professionals. Coaching provides the individual with the skills needed to develop one’s abilities to manage increasingly challenging business conditions to improve performance and outcomes.

Who We Are

Academy of Family Business (AFB) is a California Corporation organized as a public benefit corporation offering opportunities for leadership teams working in family-owned businesses to hone their leadership skills and enhance team dynamics. AFB has applied for recognition as a 501-c-3 Not-for-Profit.

AFB is managed by leaders with depth and expertise in the field of family business. Our experienced educators specialize in teaching business executives how to build the knowledge and tools needed to enhance communication, relationships, performance, and the sustainability of family-owned companies.

What We Do

AFB is committed to creating opportunities for Family Business Leadership Teams to develop leadership skills, so they can grow the family business and prepare their team to impact the future.

At AFB, we educate the public and work with future leaders to develop knowledge, application and leadership skills using best business practices. We offer a resource platform for family businesses and their members to connect with other family businesses, to access resources such as business research and learning tools, and provide advanced educational programs for family business leaders, as well as the public.

Our interactive approach to learning and development gives Family Business Leadership Teams what they need to successfully lead a family business into the future and sustain desired results.

We are a mission-driven organization. We strive to help family businesses and those whom they serve succeed, thereby strengthening the fabric of our society.

▇ Our educators have worked with more than a thousand Family Business Professionals over the past 30+ years on leadership and management development.

▇ Effective Leadership has a direct impact on organizations and their success with improvement in communication, performance, relationships and outcomes.

▇ Leaders who bring learning into their routines, boost their confidence and competence.

Upcoming AFB
Public Events


June 21st

Take What you Get or
Get What You Plan

August 16th

Strong Relationships,
Strong Business

October 18th

3 Steps to Becoming More
Emotionally Intelligent




Prepare the Next Generation of Leaders

Your donation will help us provide the programs, events and resources our leaders need to lead a Family-owned Business long into the future.

“Leadership and learning are indispensable to each other.”

– John F. Kennedy, The 35th President of the United States of America