Leading By Example with Face-to-Face Communication

During a recent interview with father son duo, Dave and Ryan Lucchetti, talked about how their family business, Pacific Coast Building Products, has increased from 100 to over 3500 employees and many subsidiary companies under Dave’s leadership over the last several decades. Son Ryan is now President and CEO.

Dave shared some of the key values and beliefs that guided this remarkable success story. One of the key beliefs and supporting practices deserves a special look. Dave, and now Ryan as well, take time each year to meet face to face with all their employees. They believe open, healthy relationships based on regular communication are essential to achieve a healthy work environment. In these meetings they get to discuss anything the employees are concerned about and get clear explanations and feedback directly from the owners. This is obviously a huge undertaking as the company has grown and now span multiple states but the ultimately the value far exceeds any inconvenience.

The Academy of Family Business (AFB) offers executive development that addresses the why, what, and how of business best practices. In fact, AFB has developed a PRIME leadership model comprised of 12 core best leadership practices to achieve exceptional business results on a predictable basis. If you’re interested in learning more email info@myafb.org, and we will send you a report outlining what this performance model has achieved with hundreds of businesses.

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Business Culture


Addressing Conflict