Elevating Leadership: Transitioning from Buffalo to Geese

Unleash the power of collaborative leadership—say goodbye to the traditional buffalo model, where one leader leads the herd, and embrace the dynamic synergy of flying geese. Discover how this shift can transform your organizational landscape, making leadership a shared, adaptable experience.

In the vast savannah of leadership models, the buffalo and the geese stand out as stark metaphors for organizational dynamics. The buffalo, with its solitary leader at the helm, symbolizes a traditional top-down approach. Like the lead buffalo guiding the herd, this model relies heavily on a singular figure steering the organization.

On the contrary, envision the mesmerizing V formation of geese cutting through the sky. Here, leadership is a shared responsibility, with each goose taking a turn at the lead. Geese exemplify adaptability, cooperation, and collective strength. This metaphorical shift from the buffalo to the geese model isn't just a superficial trend; it's a strategic move toward fostering a culture where leadership is a fluid, dynamic force.

In our leadership course at the Academy of Family Business, we dissect the buffalo model—where the fate of the herd rests on one set of shoulders—and contrast it with the geese model, where leadership is a collaborative dance. This transition isn't just about a change in scenery; it's about embracing a mindset that taps into the diverse strengths of every team member. Discover how adopting the geese model can revolutionize your organization, unleashing a new era of shared leadership and resilience in the face of change.

To learn more about the Academy of Family Business, our curriculum and our coaches, please email us at: info@myAFB.org


Nurturing Leadership: Growing a Shared Leadership Culture


Topic of the Day: Crafting a High-Performance Culture: The Leadership Blueprint